Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Monday, January 30, 2006


Dan Brown's book 'The Da Vinci Code' has become just a little bit popular in recent months. In the framework of a break-neck thriller, Dan Bown has presented a virulent, incredible (and we use the word in its original sense) attack on historic Christianity.

The Brown opposes the Roman Catholic Church is something we have no objection to. But his opposition reaches a lot further than just the Roman Church.

Ah, comes the objection, but Dan Brown's book is a work of fiction! True O sage, O onion. And that is why, to answer Dan Brown's objections, we bring you...

Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation
Let me explain. Here we intend to use a semi-fictional format to answer Dan Brown. The comments, though containing factual information, will be presented in a fictional manner. If it was not for this, I would simply be referring you to some other sites. In our next post you will be introduced to our cast.


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