Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sir Richard Arcos is Sarcastic.

I read tonight in one of Dr. Langdon's books, "Countless grail-related works contain the hidden letter M - whether as watermarks, underpaintings, or compositional allusions. The most blatant M, of course, is emblazoned on the altar of Our Lady of Paris in London..." [Da Vinci Code P. 330, H.H.]

Now, I admit I am just a protestant pastor who never went to a seminary in his life, nor am I a great student of religious symbolism, but... isn't there more than one Mary in the New Testament? And isn't there a far more likely explanation for the M on the alar of Our Lady of Paris?

Just a wild guess. Talk about scotoma!!!

(Dr. Langdon says a lot about Scotoma in his books, of which the following is a sample, "our preconcieved notions... are so powerful that our mind... overrides our eyes" [DVC P. 328.] Seeing what you think you ought to see, rather than what is actually there. Of course, Dr. Langdon is wonderfully objective. I mean, talk about blue-based baboons with claw-and-ball feet!)


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