Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Heretics! By Sir Richard Arcos

I have once again braced myself and looked at one of Dr. Langdon's interminable and rot-laden books. The effort was great, but the sacrifice behooved to be made.
I would note that the Waldenses have been linked with the Catharii, on the grounds both were heretics. The problem with many modern popular studies is that, like the older studies of witchcraft, they take the accusations and actions of the denouncers at face value. This is rather silly. Seeing the word 'heretic,' these people construct a monolithic group called 'heretics,' as if hereic was a self-description. Note the silly statement that 'heretic' referred to those who chose the gnostic gospels, when even the gnostics were an amalgam of groups, identified as such because of their emphasis on 'hidden knowledge.' Were Dr. Langdon to do some serious research in books like Robert Rainy's The Ancient Catholic Church, or Harold O.J. Brown's Heresies so that he was actually actually aware of the differences between 'heretics,' e.g Nestorians and Monophysites, who hate each other more than the true church, he might perhaps be more sober in his assessment. But then he might not, like all people who see a 'conspiracy' running through history, he does violence to the facts in service of his beliefs. Like the more rabid Landmark Baptists and the sacrementarians, he sees all obscure sects as linked to a core group, in his case the Priory of Sion. All these 'heretics' are in some way related to said group, either because they 'knew' the 'truth,' or becasue they were set up by the group. The Knights Templar the 'Millitary arm of the Priory of Sion!' I mean, talk about blue-based baboons with Claw and Ball feet... As for the secret chapters, Dr Trevelyan is quite right that these were no more than business meetings. The Tempars were the first multi-national corporation, issuing letters of credit to knights who went on Crusade and deposited money with the Templars (a reason why the Templars had strong underground rooms). Try sitting in on a board meeting of Wal-Mart and see how far you get. These wallahs were talking about boodle most of the time. Their lands in Europe (which were very extensive) were designed to provide cash for the Crusade, not to mention rest homes for any Templars lucky enough to reach old age. Again, nothing sinister. And why, if the Crusades were designed to destroy evidence of the 'Sacred feminine', was Godfrey of Boullion on it in the first place? Oh, and if he was a member of the Priory of Sion, how could he have been elected leader by the alleged racist and sexist bigots who went along as well?


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