Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sir Richard Arcos' World of Docetic Twaddle. III

Having been dissuaded by my secretary from bunging Dr. Langdon's book in the boiler, I return to the Gnostic texts that Dr. Langdon rests his works on.
Earlier in the 'Gospel of Phillip', we were told that 'Sophia' is barren: 'The apostles said to the disciples, "May our entire offering obtain salt." They called Sophia "salt". Without it, no offering is acceptable. But Sophia is barren, without child. For this reason, she is called "a trace of salt". Wherever they will [ant hole] in their own way, the Holy Spirit [ant hole], and her children are many.'' So, the gnostics didn't teach about Eve, did they?
'The forms of evil spirit include male ones and female ones. The males are they which unite with the souls which inhabit a female form, but the females are they which are mingled with those in a male form, though one who was disobedient. And none shall be able to escape them, since they detain him if he does not receive a male power or a female power, the bridegroom and the bride. One receives them from the mirrored bridal chamber. When the wanton women see a male sitting alone, they leap down on him and play with him and defile him. So also the lecherous men, when they see a beautiful woman sitting alone, they persuade her and compel her, wishing to defile her. But if they see the man and his wife sitting beside one another, the female cannot come into the man, nor can the male come into the woman. So if the image and the angel are united with one another, neither can any venture to go into the man or the woman.' Will anyone dare to try to work out what in the world this New Age twaddle actually means? I wish 'em luck. Then they might go on to tell me what Mary Baker Eddy was on about.


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