Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Monday, January 30, 2006

Dr. Trevelyan's introduction

Like many academics and ministers in the world, I am aware of Dr. Robert Langdon's work in the area of symbology, and particularly in his Grail work. I have become concerned that too many people are reading Dr. Langdon's work uncritically, as if his 'results' were proved (which they are not). The public need to be informed of the gross errors of fact and method in the Harvard Professor's work.
The correct method would be to assemble a team of international experts, but such a team would take months to assemble. Instead I have asked some friends of mine who happen to work in interested disciplines to assist me. Our method will be for each of us to contribute posts, with comments by the others colour-coded. The colours are chosen by the contibutors. As moderator of the blog, I shall comment in red. Dr. Barton has decided to comment in Pink. Sir Richard Arcos is commenting in Green. Dr. Rainy is commenting (as a Scots presbyterian) in blue. Miss Schlegel is commenting in Grey.

Contributions will be sought from other friends of ours. Each writer is responsible for his or her own work.

[Apparently I'm responsible. Surely Dr. Trevelyan meant to say I'm irresponsible. His wife thinks that]

[So do I]


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