Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Monday, March 06, 2006

Were the Templars Heretics? Sir Richard Arcos (III)

7. They did not believe in the Mass or in the Sacraments of the Church. At the Mass their naughty priests did not say the words of consecration, so the Mass, paid for by a donor, could do the soul of the donor no good.
If true, they were closet protestants. But it isn't true. The Templar were loyal servants of the Pope, and would have been shocked to hear of the Mess (sorry, Mass) profaned in such a way.

8. They worshipped a bearded head.
The only bearded heads around the Templar Commanderies were attached to Templars. Beards were unfashionable in the 1300s, but the Templar kept on wearing them. The bearded head accusation was just a nasty insult to the Templar.
The Hospitallers, on the other hand, had a bearded head reliquary. The head of John the Baptist. Templars preferred female heads, having been given the head of St. Euphemia after it had been stolen from Constantinople in 1204. As the head of St. Euphemia is still in Constantinople, I suspect what they actually had was a substitute head that had been handed over by Greek Orthodox priests who were laughing up their sleeves.

9. They were taught that their officers could absolve them from sin, which in fact only a priest could do.
Actually the Templar officers had been delegated the power from the Pope, so it was their accusers who were in the wrong.

10. They were only allowed to confess their sins to a brother Templar.
And why not? The Bible says 'confess your sins to one another.'

11. They kept on adoring that cat! What was more, the cat appeared magically in locked rooms, and it could talk.
Now you're blatantly making things up.

12. They refused to correct these errors!
Because they were not guilty of them in the first place. Just as I cannot stop sending Dr. Barton suggestive e-mails because I never started sending them.

Stop it. Now.
P.S. That's a joke.


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