Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Monday, April 24, 2006

Conspiracy theories. Dr. Barton

Dr. Albert Mohler has posted this article on the Da Vinci Code, and this on N.T. Wright's response, and this on conspiracy theories. And, if you really want to hear some good stuff on the subject, listen to him.

I have to confess that I despise conspiracy theories, whether held by Dr. Langdon or Texe Marrs. Like most people, I suppose, I watched most of the early series' of The X-Files back in the 1990s, and I enjoyed it. Conspiracy theories make good entertainment. But when I hear (as I heard the other week) of a man or woman (I like to think that most conspiracy nuts are men) who actually believes in a conspiracy theory and lives in such a fantasy world, I want to shout that the man is a NUTCASE!!! To be honest, I have found in my career that conspiracy theories are the result of wanting to explain the whole world in some simplistic way. Everything is explained through the Conspiracy. But life just isn't like that. Life's complicated. I want to tell Jack Chick that the Roman Catholic Church did not create Islam, and I want to tell Dr. Langdon that the Roman Church (which did not exist as a separate entity in the 2nd Century) did not supress the truth about Jesus.

Please, let's get around to real history, not silly conspiracy theories.


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