Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Priory of Finchelsea XII.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Kathy asked Lil. Lil Barton shook her head.
"Try a window. They usually seem to work. Except this place has a sunken garden all the way round it."
"Flash put a tracker in your pocket."
"The lousy..." Lil dug in her jacket pockets. In the left-hand one she found her keys, and the right... Lil smiled.
"He must have put it in my right-hand pocket."
"So where is it?"
"On the floor someplace. There's a hole in that pocket!"
In fact, Flash was wrestling with the tracking device and cursing a blue streak. His machine was registering four different locations for Dr. Barton, one of which was a mile in the air. This new government computer system! The wretched thing just didn't work!
"Sir?" DC Jones asked. Flash just swore at her.
"So we can escape?" Kathy asked. Lil nodded.
"Sure. Let's get out of here!" Then she paused. "Sorry, I forgot why I'm here. I got lost. You'd better lead the way out. I'll try to figure out what that weird Welsh bloke was trying to tell me. If he was trying to tell me anything, and not just trying to take out his nastiness on me."
"Oh, I'm sure he wasn't!" Kathy exclaimed, sounding, Lil thought, like a dumb blonde. Well, a dumb brunette, Lil corrected herself. Lil was glad there were such things as dumb brunettes, it made her, as an intellectual blonde, feel happier.
"Okay, kid, you find your way out, I'll do the serious thinking."
Lil already had a couple of ideas.


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