Dr. Trevelyan's Da Vinci Conversation

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Priory of Finchelsea XV

Barsabbas knocked on the door of Christchurch, Spitalfields. Not surprisingly, there was no-one inside at such an unearthly hour, so Barsabbas had to force his way in with a handy crowbar he had brought along for just such an occasion.
The 18th century church was in darkness, and Barsabbas smiled as he moved silently down the aisle.
The Hearthstone was here, he could feel it. There, by the altar, would be the clue in the stained glass, the clue that would mean the end of these despicable heretics. He laughed like a drain for ten minutes at the thought of it.
"It will be ours! All ours! The Preciouss!"he cried.
His green and yellow habit flying behind him, Barsabbas ran down the aisle. Unlike Lil, who had a hardcore Presbyterian's distain for all the trappings of ritualism, he carefully crossed himself before he stepped into the railed-off area.
There was the window. He shone a torch on it and cried out with joy.
The mystic letter 'M' was there, plain to see. In the next pane would be the second letter. Looking, Barsabbas saw it. The letter 'U', symbolic of the Holy Cup. He was close. Extremely close.
Barsabbas' 'phone rang. He answered it.
"I'm busy burgling a church," he complained. "Call back later."
"It is I, Barsabbas, the Teacher. Have you got the Hearthstone?"
"I am in the church, Master. All the clues are here. I have found two of the mystic letters, 'M' and 'U'. And the third is..." He looked. "Master, it is a 'G'. What does 'G' stand for?"
The Teacher cried out in rage and cursed loudly for a good ten minutes.
"Mug!" the Teacher almost choked.
"I can't get you a mug."
"No, you fool, M-U-G spells 'mug'. We've been taken for a ride! Dr. Llewellyn Pryce-Rees-Evans-Jones deliberately set you on a flase trail!
All colour drained from Barsabbas' face, and his mouth dropped open in horror.
"No! Master, we have lost!"
"No, Barsabbas. I have learned that Dr. Llewellyn Pryce-Rees-Evans-Jones left a clue before he died, naming a Dr. Barton. You must find Dr. Lilian Barton and bring her to me!"
"Yes, Master," Barsabbas replied obediently.


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